Blog/Building an LSP for StyleX
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Yash Singh

Building an LSP for StyleX

I few months back I built a VSCode Extension for StyleX. Building this extension was a fun exprience and I learned about many different things such as Language Servers, Unicode, and SWC, so I decided to write a blog post about it.

What is StyleX?

Before I get into the VSCode extension and how I built it, let's first understand what StyleX is. StyleX is a minimalist atomic CSS-in-JS style system that runs a compiler step to pre-compile your styles into a CSS and unique class names. You can read more about it on their website.

How does the VSCode Extension work?

For this VSCode Extension, I decided to use a Language Server Protocol model. The Language Server Protocol is a standardized way for a server to communicate language features to a client. In this case, the client is a VSCode Extension, and the server is a Node.js server that serves the features. The main reason for offloading the language feature work onto a separate server is:

  1. The server is no longer limited to the environment of the client.
  2. LSP is a standardized spec, meaning that it is now easy to port the LSP to other editors and clients.
  3. Using a server allows you to offload the work of parsing and analyzing the code to a separate process for efficiency.