Blog/Scraping XDA Forums
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Yash Singh

Scraping XDA Forums

A while back I was looking for a solution to a problem I was having with installing a specific Magisk Module to my Android phone. I'm pretty n00b at Android rooting and I was having a hard time looking for solutions on XDA Forums, which is when I had the idea of building a RAG chatbot for XDA Forums. This meant I would have to obtain all of hte posts on the forum. Overall, this was a fun experience and I got to scrape about 6M pages and 68M posts off the forum and found a security vulnerability in the API. In this post, I will go over how I did it and what I learned in the process.

Stage 1: Basic HTML Scrape with SQLite

I couldn't find any docs on an API for the forum, so I decided to go with parsing the raw HTML. I used sqlite since I heard it's pretty easy to use from within Bun.js. I obtained the links to the threads I would have to scrape through the /sitemap.xml file that is used by web crawlers for SEO. Xenforo, the forum software used by XDA, does remove some of the threads from the sitemap, but this wasn't a problem since a majority of the threads were indexed.

My initial implementation was pretty simple.

  • Fetch in loop with exponential backoff (to avoid rate limiting)
  • Extract data using jsdom
  • Insert data into SQLite
  • Repeat for next thread after 1 second wait period

All of this ran in 10 processes each with 10 concurrent tasks at a time.

I'll be honest, bun:sqlite's DX was really impressive, I loved how I could type a tuple for the inputs and have that appear in the arguments when executing the query:

const threadTagsInsertQuery = db.query<any, [thread_id: number, tag_id: number]>(
  `INSERT INTO threadtags (thread_id, tag_id) VALUES (?, ?)`,
);, tagId);

I had an issue though, SQLite wasn't able to handle the large amount of data I would through at it. I was running multiple workers that would run through different slots of the sitemap entries, and a lot of the transactions were clashing with each other. I tried using WAL Mode and other hacks, but at the end of the day SQLite is optimized for read-and-writes not for a write-heavy workload.

Stage 2: Switch to Redis

In my case I really didn't need a relational database to index the content for me, so I decided to go with a simple KV, Redis. Redis turned out to be much faster, but Redis still has a problem, it stores the entire KV in memory since it's trying to optimize for reads. This caused OOM errors a lot of the time as my dataset got big really fast. In my case I didn't want to conduct any read operations at my KV, I just wanted to throw data at it and have it be read-optimized at a later point in time.

I also switched from jsdom to linkedom because jsdom apparently does some form of emulating the browser environment to get really good accuracy, which meant it consumes a large amount of memory an processing time. Linkedom wasn't great at supporting edge cases, but I was able to get it working with some workarounds. There were many inconsistencies for the selector paths I would have to use for querying the DOM, so I had a failure snapshot folder which would throw in all my errors mid-process and skip those threads. This let me iteratively add support for threads which I didn't support as of yet, such as article threads.

At the halfway point, when I completed scraping the first pages for all threads (subsequent pages would be scraped next), I ran into two problems:

  1. I was IP Banned from XDA Forums and XDA Developers.
  2. I accidentally overwrote the page data:
-export async function insertPage(page: Page) {
+// i put the pageNumber as the key
+// :( ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿ˜ญ ๐Ÿ˜ญ
+export async function insertPage(page: Page, threadId: number) {
   await redis.hset(
-    `thread:page:${page.pageNumber}`,
+    `thread:page:${threadId}:${page.pageNumber}`,

For a few weeks it seemed as if all was lost, I tried to see if I could use redundant data from other keys to recover the page keys, but that wasn't a possibility, until I found out that XDA Forums has an Android app.

Stage 3: Android App API and finding security vulns

I initially found out about the Android App API through @theimpulson's community Android App, ReLab (now archived unfortunately).

It seems as if the Android App uses OAuth endpoints implemented in a Xenforo extension, to authenticate users with a token they can use.

Interestingly, the API doesn't authenticate users to ensure that they have a token, meaning I can make API requests without one. The Android API wasn't part of the IP ban either, so I could use this to refetch the data for the scrape.

I rewrote my initial scraping script to instead use the Android API and began fetching threads. In the middle, I ran into a few bugs with the Android API processing certain posts and returning an empty string. Switching over to the Web API fixed these problems.

Stage 4: Redis to RocksDB

As the script was running in the background, I searched for a solution to Redis' memory problem. According to one old article I found, Redis does have a Redis on Flash module, but it is underneath a proprietrary license. KeysDB did have a KeysDB on Flash option, but KeysDB was discontinued a few years ago so I didn't want to go with that. Initially, I began writing my own KV by appending keys and values to two separate binary files and sorting the keys manually. While, I was looking for solutions to problems I was running into with my KV, I ran into RocksDB, which solved the exact issue I had.

RocksDB's official bindings are in C++ and the only NAPI bindings used version 6.4, which didn't have the BlobDB feature that I wanted, separating the keys and the values. RocksDB without BlobDB was good enough for me, though, so I stuck with that.